Didn’t God Know?

In one moment, my life was changed forever. I was only 19, and I still needed my dad. Seeing him that night was more devastating than I can ever express. My dad was an Iron Man and a seven-time half Iron Man - how could he have a heart attack? And didn’t God know that I still needed my dad? Didn’t God know that the world needed my dad? Didn’t God know that my church needed my dad? Didn’t God know? My dad would never meet my husband. He would never walk me down the aisle, and he would never be the one to marry us. He would never see me get my first job, or graduate college against the odds. He would never see me finally get a real diagnosis, after 13 years of being sick without answer. He would never see me decide to go into the ministry field instead of education. He’d never see me discover my truth worth. He’d never make it to his 46th birthday . Come on, God. Didn’t you know? God knew. God knew that my dad would only be here on earth for 45 years. G...