Aslan and Shadows

If you know me at all, you know that my all-time favorite author is C.S. Lewis. I’m 26 years old, and my favorite book series is still The Chronicles of Narnia. His brilliance in retelling the Bible through a children’s series has reached around the world - to people of all kinds of faiths. I don’t think there is another author or series that could come close to what Lewis has done for the understanding of Christianity and Jesus’s sacrifice. 

I chose to revamp my blog because of all of the darkness we are currently facing. “Aslan and Shadows” echoes so much of what I believe about Jesus. In “The Silver Chair,” Lewis writes, 

“They turned and saw the Lion himself, so bright and real and strong that everything else at once began to look pale and shadowy compared to him.”  

Similarly, in the book of Revelation, John writes,  

“The City does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp” (Revelation 21:23, NIV). 

I love that picture of God. Scripture tells us that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5, NIV). Light vs. Darkness is a common theme throughout the Bible. For instance: 

“Jesus spoke to them saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12, ESV). 

“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are the light of the Lord. Walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8, ESV). 

“But you are a chosen race, a royal 
priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9, ESV). 

“But there will be no more gloom for her [Israel] who was in anguish...The people who walked in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them” (Isaiah 9a-2, NASB). 

Darkness is almost always used to represent evil and sin, and light is used to represent the righteousness and sanctification of Christ. God is so perfect, so righteous, that his light is bright enough to cover all sin, sorrow, and shame. Not only that, but as children of God, his light lives inside of us. 

I feel as though right now, there is so much darkness in the world. Sickness, racism, murder, starvation, oppression...where does it end? Where is the hope, the redemption? But oh, what a beautiful promise our Father brings. The beginning of overcoming evil is through His light. If we so choose to become children of God, that same light will live within us. It then becomes our duty, as heirs of Christ, to shine that light as bright as we can. 

“Don’t shine so that others can see you. Shine, so that through you, others will see him” (C.S. Lewis). 

Change starts with us. It starts with a relationship with Jesus founded upon love, justice, and righteousness. The world is hurting...let’s do something about it. 


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