When Faith Gets Hard

Faith…faith has been hard lately. I think it’s getting a bit hard for everyone right now, as we are all so isolated. I got diagnosed with celiac disease about 6 months ago. They say healing from the damage can take a while, but I started experiencing new symptoms. I am finally having some follow up procedures in a couple of days, but man, I’m scared. Sometimes, faith is really, really hard. My pain has been pretty bad in the last couple of months, and while I’ve found things that help at times, there are still nights of agony. There are nights when I am begging for my Father to show up. Begging Him to heal me – even just for the night – because it’s too much to take. I lie there crying, with my husband next to me, praying. He’s crying out to God too, because it’s harder for him to watch me than it is for me to go through it. I beg and I ask, “Please, Jesus, it’s okay if you don’t heal me for good. But just this one night…please. I can’t do this anymore.” More often than n...