Womb to Tomb

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the Texas abortion ban. This post is likely to grind some gears, but as someone who loves Jesus, it’s something I can’t stay silent about. Because the truth is that most pro-lifers aren’t pro life from womb to tomb. I used to be one of them. It’s not a matter of what “Pro Life” does mean - it’s a matter of what it should mean. To be “Pro Life” is to be anti death penalty. Currently, the death penalty is retained in 27 states . To be “Pro Life” is to welcome the immigrant, and to create an easier path towards legal citizenship. It can take over a year and a half to become a legal U.S. citizen - and that is without any delays. To be “Pro Life” is to allow same-sex couples and single people to adopt and foster. There are several states that allow discrimination against same-sex adoption under “religious” rights , and while single people are legally able to adopt/foster, they face many challenges in doing so ....