“Your Faith has Made You Well”

Faith. Such a loaded word. Such a loaded concept. 

After getting sick 13 years ago, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the words, “You just need to have faith. Then God will heal you.” 

Countless times I have read the story of the woman who had been bleeding for 7 years. She had tried doctor after doctor, treatment after treatment, to no avail. She spotted Jesus through the crowds and she just knew

“If I only touch His garment, I will get well(Matthew 9:21, NASB). 

Sure enough, as soon as she touched the hem of His garment, her bleeding stopped. She was immediately healed. And then she got to hear the beautiful words I have longed to hear these last 13 years, 

“Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well(Matthew 9:22, NASB). 

I have begged, I have pleaded, “God, please, I have that faith! I know that You have the power to make me well!” When I remained sick, I just prayed harder; for more faith, more healing, more hope. I have faith, God. Please! Make me well. 

I read a book this week called How People Grow (Henry Cloud and John Townsend; highly recommend), and both authors spoke of “taking action.” It reminded me of what James wrote in the New Testament: 

“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead(James 2:26, NIV). 

Faith without action is dead. What is action? 

Maybe it’s going to the doctor when I know something is wrong.

Maybe it’s taking the medication I need to get better.

Maybe it’s finally making that counseling appointment.  

Maybe it’s reaching out to touch the hem of His garment. 

We all want to be healed from something - a sickness, illness, or addiction. We all want to hear the words, “Take courage, your faith has made you well.” If “believing more” or “having faith” was the answer, so many of us would have been healed years and years ago. But faith isn’t all it takes. Faith without action is dead. 

Physical healing in this lifetime may not occur for some of us. We may take the medication, go to counseling, listen to our doctors, and still not get better. But spiritual healing is readily available, with faith, and with action. It could mean reading your bible more, or joining a small group. Perhaps it means praying out loud with your spouse, or reading a book about God’s grace. Maybe it means finally taking up your Cross.

Though physical and mental healing may not yet come, it is the spiritual healing that will carry us through those years of illness and addiction. It is the spiritual healing that will hold us so tightly in the palm of God’s hand. Where our body may break down and fail us, His Spirit within us will not. 

That spiritual healing is there for you. Have faith, and take action - reach out, grab hold, and don’t let go.


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