“Your Faith has Made You Well”

Faith. Such a loaded word. Such a loaded concept. After getting sick 13 years ago, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the words, “You just need to have faith. Then God will heal you.” Countless times I have read the story of the woman who had been bleeding for 7 years. She had tried doctor after doctor, treatment after treatment, to no avail. She spotted Jesus through the crowds and she just knew , “If I only touch His garment, I will get well ” (Matthew 9:21, NASB). Sure enough, as soon as she touched the hem of His garment, her bleeding stopped. She was immediately healed. And then she got to hear the beautiful words I have longed to hear these last 13 years, “Daughter, take courage; your faith has made you well ” (Matthew 9:22, NASB). I have begged, I have pleaded, “God, please, I have that faith! I know that You have the power to make me well!” When I remained sick, I just prayed harder; for more faith, more healing, more hope...