“Oh, fear...”

“...my God is near.”

Man, we are living in some uncertain times. I see panic all over social media and the news. I see people who are scared out of their minds because they’re losing their jobs. I see restaurants shutting down, schools and churches closing – seemingly drastic measures that unfortunately are quite necessary.

I am definitely nervous about all of this. I am immunocompromised, which means I am more susceptible to this new virus and more likely to develop a serious case if I do end up catching it. It means I have to stay home as much as possible in order to protect myself. I’m trying only to take the necessary precautions, but like everyone else, it’s easy to get caught up in the panic.

There are people who are coming up short on rent. There are parents who can’t afford internet, and therefore can’t afford the required E-Learning. There are families who depend on the meals their children receive at school, and now those options are being taken away. There are parents who can’t afford childcare and have to decide between losing their jobs or finding another option. There are people who are immunocompromised or elderly who can’t get things they need, because panic is causing hoarding across the country. There is so much uncertainty.

I see a lot of panic, and as someone more susceptible to this new uncertainty, it certainly causes fear in my life. But we can’t stop living just because we are scared.

I am stepping into a brand new part of my life. I’m stepping into my calling. Satan is absolutely terrified of it, and he’s using these uncertain times to incite panic into my heart. But let me be very clear: “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7, KJV). I have a God-given purpose, and I cannot let this virus impact my calling for the Kingdom; neither can the Church.

The world needs the Body of Christ right now. It needs people who are willing to stand up to minister to the broken, the needy, the forgotten. It needs people willing to share what they have, and reach out to the sick. We are the hands and the feet of Christ, and the world needs Christ really badly right now.

The world is scared right now, and it needs people who refuse to let this fear inhibit their ability and call to serve others. Some of us need to shut ourselves into our homes right now in order to protect our health. That’s okay! But don’t let that door stop you from caring for the community. Pray for those who are in the same situation are you are. Give people an outlet to share their fears with you so that you can speak the hope of Jesus into them. You may not be able to go out and share the Gospel right now, but you have every tool you need to do so from your home. Don’t let that door keep you from sharing Jesus.

Others are able to go out without as much susceptibility. If you are one of those people, use that. Be willing to help those struggling with childcare. Be willing to prepare breakfasts and lunches for families who can’t access food right now. Be willing to share your resources for the elderly or those with children. Be willing to be the hands and the feet the world so desperately needs.

If you have chosen to be a child of God, then you have a purpose for His Kingdom. You have a God-given call to help the helpless and give a voice to the voiceless. Be as prepared as you can, but don’t let panic and fear stop you from serving. Don’t let a door stop you from your ministry. Whether you’re praying on your couch or opening your home to those who are struggling, you are doing a great deal for God’s Kingdom. No quarantine, no amount of jobs shutting down, no amount of closed doors can stop the hand of God. There is nothing that can shake His ministry and our Kingdom. There is no virus, no natural disaster, no amount of panic that can stand against His name. You’ve got a call to love, right now. Don’t let anything stop you from answering.


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