The Big “D”

Today I wanted to write about something that affects around 16 million adult Americans every year: Depression. I’m sure many of you who are reading this have suffered from depression at some point in your lives, and I’m no exception. I’ve been very open about my mental illnesses on this blog. You’ve read that I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and depression. But depression is really the one thing I haven’t talked about…mostly because I’ve been deluding myself. I’ve known that it’s been a part of my life, but I’ve done my best to ignore it. I’ve always attributed my symptoms to other things – for instance, dissociation from the PTSD. At times, I just thought it was my personality. Perhaps I’m not meant to “feel” things deeply; perhaps I just am apathetic. Maybe I don’t really care about things… maybe I wasn’t meant to be happy. This is going to be a really hard blog for me to write. My walls are so high that I haven’t even been able to let my husband see ...