Still I Rise

When I started at my college in 2017, I had no idea that my feminist principles would come at such a cost. I had no idea that when I began to “Defend the weak and the fatherless and uphold the cause of the oppressed” I would lose the respect of many whom I loved and treasured. I had no idea that my now husband would be “warned” about me by someone whom I thought was a friend. “Be careful,” this person said, “because just so you know, she is super passionate about women pastors.” I had no idea that when I took a stand for women’s equality, my husband’s closest friend would refuse to come to our wedding, and beg him not to marry me. I had no idea that my passions would be called a sinful by professors and classmates. I had no idea I would receive hateful messages that would keep me up at night, crying, because I just wanted to love. I had no idea that I would be left behind by those with whom I thought I was close. How don’t they know my hear...