
Showing posts from April, 2019

Sold-Out pt. 2: Maddie

Meet Maddie: Maddie is currently a freshman at her high school. I’ve known her for a few years now, and I’ve always loved connecting with her. Maddie is a tough girl with a tender heart. Watching her grow into her faith for the last three years has been an incredible privilege, and if you know Maddie, it’s quite obvious that this girl is a born leader. She’s touched my heart (as she does with everyone who knows her), and is incredibly wise for her age. I am consistently astounded by her outlook on life, ability to keep boundaries, and love for Jesus. She was one of the first people I thought of for this project, and I was thrilled when she agreed to take part in this series. Maddie is a busy girl. She is currently taking several honors classes, algebra, and then is also in her school’s show choir. I actually remember when Maddie auditioned for show choir, and was thrilled for her when I found out she had made it (though I was not surprised). After school, she has show choir pr

Sold-Out pt. 1: Meri

Since I started my internship four weeks ago, I decided to do something new on my blog. This series over the next four weeks will be called “Sold-Out.” My degree is in youth ministry, and I primarily work with the youth group for my internship, focusing mostly on the middle and high school girls. I have wanted to find ways to integrate my personal life with my work/academic life, and I thought this series would be a really great start. So, for this series, I will interview several girls in my youth group about their journeys in school, relationship with God, and get their perspective on what it means to be “sold out” for Jesus. Meet Meri: Meri is currently a junior in high school. I have been blessed to know Meri since she was a baby, and she is one of the most precious girls in my life – truly a little sister to me. I have been able to watch her grow up and into her relationship with Christ, and I have loved seeing and being a part of that journey. Everyone who knows Meri is