
Showing posts from November, 2017

"Courage, Dear Heart"

*Disclaimer: this is different than anything I have ever posted on this blog. I think it is very important to write about, and I believe God can use it to shine light into your life, but understand it may be a bit intense for some younger readers. “Courage, dear heart.” Aslan whispered these words to Lucy in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (C.S. Lewis). I know I’m a bit old for fairy tales, but I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow the magnificence that is The Chronicles of Narnia . I find myself relating to so many of the characters; but sadly, they are not often the brave heroes of the stories. Instead I find myself relating to Edmund rather than Peter, or Susan rather than Lucy. I’m Emeth in The Last Battle , Shasta in The Horse and His Boy , and Digory in The Magician’s Nephew . The common thread? Fear . Tonight, I heard God speak to me through a fairy tale: courage, dear heart . “My child, what can you fear? For if I am for you, no one can stand against you. ” Ah, Jesus, but